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WMS Week Ahead 03/16/2025

Posted Date: 03/18/2025




March 16, 2025

Dear Weston Middle School Families:

This week our 7th grade students will be taking a field trip to the Yale Peabody Museum.  The adventurers (purple) team will go on March 18, the explorers (green) team will go on March 19.  It is helpful if students wear their team t-shirts/colors.  Please remember that students need to bring lunch with them on the day of the field trip.

This Thursday we will hold a transition night for parents of current 5th grade students.  A separate email communication was sent to families of 5th grade students.  The presentation will begin at 7 pm on March 20, 2025 in the Weston Middle School Library.

This Friday, March 21, is a full day professional development day for staff.  There will be no school for students on Friday.  The WMS PTO has planned grade level socials for 7th and 8th grade students on Friday.

Support West Fest and the Weston Middle School PTO! 

Be part of the fun and help make West Fest Music Festival a success! Your sponsorship helps fund the festival and supports important programs for our students at Weston Middle School. Choose your sponsorship level and make a difference today! ðŸŒŸ

Opportunities for Corporate Sponsorship and Family Sponsorship are available using the link below.

We are excited for an AWESOME 2nd year of West Fest Music Festival featuring local bands, including student bands and talented parents!

Please visit for all the sponsorship opportunities. 

After School Activities   There are several after school activities that will be available for Weston Middle School students sponsored by Weston Parks and Recreation/WOW.  For more information, please check out this link.

Join us for the Weston High School musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, the weekend of March 28th! Get your tickets at!

8th Grade Social  The WMS PTO is sponsoring a social for 8th graders on March 21, 2025 from 11:30-2.  $45 gets 2 hours of bounce time, socks, pizza, water, cookies, and arcade card. Waivers for BOTH must be signed.  (See attached)  Permission slips, waivers, and payment due to Team Leaders by March 17.

Meet the new WPS Director Of Safety and Security  Families will have the opportunity to meet the new Director of Safety and Security Mr. James Wiltsie in March.  The next session will be at the HES/WIS PTO meeting on Wednesday, March 26 from 9:30 to 11:00 AM in the WIS cafeteria. You do not have to be in the HES/WIS PTO to join this meeting. We encourage you to attend. 

Geo Jam  Plans are underway for our annual geography competition.  Students will compete in their social studies classes with top students advancing to the school-wide competition.   Here is a link with more details.

Communication Protocol  As a reminder, please refer to this communication protocol when you have a question or concern that needs to be addressed.  We always try to resolve issues with the staff member who is closest to the situation.  If you need to report a student absence, please call our absence line:  203-221-6361

Important Upcoming Dates  

March 18:  7th grade (Adventurers) Field Trip to Peabody Museum

March 19:  7th grade (Explorers) Field Trip to Peabody Museum

March 20:  5th grade parent transition night WMS Library 7 pm

March 21:  Full Day Professional Development (No school for students)
March 21:  PTO sponsored socials for 7th grade (The Cave, Danbury) and 8th grade (Jumpz and Thrillz, Danbury)

March 26:  Meet the Director of Safety and Security, Mr. James Wiltsie 9:30 am WIS Cafeteria

March 27:  Geo Jam Final Competition

March 28:  8th Grade Career Day


Daniel Doak