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Nurse & Health Services



Luz (Daisy) Benedict




Kristen Abreu


Health Services

Welcome to the Health Services information section for the Weston Public School district. We are committed to keeping your children healthy and happy.




Health Forms




Health Assessment Form
State of CT Health Assessment Form for K-12
(Mandated State physicals are Kindergarten, Sixth and Ninth grades)


Contagious Illness


Caution iconContagious Illness

Flu season is upon us and we would like to remind you that a healthy diet, plenty of rest and practicing good hygiene is one way to keep your child healthy and in school.

Please keep your child home if running a temperature of 100 or higher, is coughing excessively, has significant nasal discharge or has vomited or had diarrhea during the night.

We continue to encourage good hand washing, coughing in the crook of your elbow and have also strategically placed Purell dispensers throughout our schools.

It is a fact that when a student doesn’t feel well they do not perform well in school. Keeping your child home when they are ill will ensure a faster recovery for your child and also help us reduce the spread of germs in our schools.

It is a CDC recommendation that the flu vaccine be administered to anyone over the age of 6 months.


Child sleeping


Additional Info

The following links have frequent Q & A that parents may have on Ebola, the seasonal flu and enterovirus D68.  Feel free to call your child’s school nurse with any additional questions/comments you may have.


Head Lice


Head Lice Update

Head Lice causes infestation of the scalp/hair, but do not carry disease and are not a public health threat.

Educating parents and staff is the key to prevention and the control of head lice. Emphasis on low transmissions rates in school and how important it is for parents to play a role in the prevention and control of lice outbreaks.

Students who are identified with an active case of head lice will be excluded from school. Parents will be given a handout on head lice management and the student must see the school nurse upon re-entry to school to confirm they are lice free.

The students identified by the nurse as having head lice will not be shared with other school staff unless there is a legitimate educational reason that they need to be. Their names will never be shared with other parents.

When a student is sent home with an active case of head lice, the nurse will send home a letter alerting other parents in that classroom.

If two or more cases of active head lice are found by the nurse in the same classroom within 7 to 10 days apart, the nurse will check the entire class. The determination of how often this would continue, depending on the grade level of students, will be made in conjunction with the nursing supervisor. 

Students who have been identified as having nits will be sent back to class and their parents will be notified. The parent may request the student to be sent home early for treatment. The nurse will send home a lice information sheet as well as requesting that the parent come to the school so that the nurse could show the parent what the nits look like and she will encourage that manual removal is the best way to remove nits. If a parent calls the nurse and requests that she check the child’s head, that parent too, must come in to be educated on what active lice and nits look like, as well as proper removal techniques. 

Teacher’s may also request a child’s head to be checked if there was a prior case of active lice in that classroom,especially if the child is complaining of an itchy head. Head lice screening will always be given a lower priority in the nurse’s office over the care needed for illness or injuries


Child writing


Additional Info

If you have any further questions, please call your child’s school nurse.  For more information on Head lice, click on the following links.

How to check for Lice

Here is the CDC guide to treatment

CDC General Lice information/ frequently ask questions

CDC Prevention and Control

Head lice identification

How to treat head lice


Health Services

Welcome to the Health Services information section for the Weston Public School district. We are committed to keeping your children healthy and happy.

Student & Family Responsibilities:

When you call your child out sick on the attendance line please include the following information on your voicemail.

  • Child's Name
  • Child's classroom teacher
  • Any specific symptoms the child is experiencing.